St. John Vianney Novena

St. John Vianney is the patron saint of parish priests.

Starts: July 26th
Feastday: August 4th
John Vianney was born in 1786 near Lyons, France. It was just a few years prior to the French Revolution and the execution of countless priests, nuns, religious, and faithful Catholics.
But the evil events of the French Revolution and Reign of Terror only strengthened Vianney’s faith, and upon reception of his first Communion he heard God’s call to the priesthood. In 1815, he was ordained a priest, and he marched to the small town of Ars, to be the priest.
St. John Vianney Novena Image
St. John Vianney Novena
They townspeople had never seen anything like Fr. Vianney. He prayed constantly; he adored our Lord day and night and reverently said Mass.
He talked of Jesus to them, and of Heaven and Hell. He preached the Gospel with power and clarity and the town was moved to repentance and faith. He continually fasted and and did penance for the sake of his flock. His Christlike counsel and love in the confessional brought people to Ars in droves, eventually leading hundreds of thousands each year to make a pilgrimage there, hoping to receive renewal and graces from encountering the holy priest.
He died a holy death on August 4th, 1859. He is the patron saint of parish priests.

Intro Prayers (start each day with this prayer)

St. John Vianney, you exemplified what a holy priest of Christ should be. Your patience and fortitude in the confessional demonstrated the mercy of God to the penitents who sought forgiveness for their sins.
Like Christ, you were gracious and merciful, yet also you called your flock to repentance and amendment of life. Help me through your powerful intercession along the path to sanctity that our Lord has prepared for me.
In particular, I ask that you obtain for me the graces of (mention your intention here). Amen.

Daily Novena Prayers

Day 1: God, you raised up humble St. John Vianney to show what one priest can do. Pour out your graces upon my parish priest, and all priests, that they follow the saint’s example.
Day 2: Jesus, St. John Vianney was a priest after your own priesthood. Give me the courage to proclaim and live the Gospel boldy, as he did.
Day 3: Lord, St. John Vianney sat in the confessional for hours on end. Help me go to Confession frequently and make good confessions, so that I might overcome my faults and grow in holiness.
Day 4: St. John Vianney, you were gentle with sinners who came to you, seeking the forgiveness of God. Pray that I may be merciful to those who sin against me, and forgive them, remembering how much our Lord has forgiven me of.
Day 5: St. John Vianney, you spent hours in prayer, in quiet contemplation, and so were molded into the shape of Jesus Christ. Help me to learn to pray better and spend time in silence with God.
Day 6: St. John Vianney, you prized purity of heart highly and led others to purity. Obtain for me the graces I need to conquer all sins against holy purity and resist temptations against this great virtue.
Day 7: St. John Vianney, you lived for Heaven and the Beatific Vision with the Holy Trinity, encouraging your flock to do the same. Pray for me, that I won’t be choked by the cares and worries of this world, but will keep my eyes firmly set on Heaven’s unending joy.
Day 8: St. John Vianney, you fervently received Jesus in the Eucharist at each Mass you celebrated. Pray that I am kept free from mortal sin and obtain for me a share in the devotion with which you received Jesus in the Sacrament.
Day 9: Holy priest of Ars, your coming to that town was like a spiritual avanlanche in a time of great persecution and darkness. Pray for us that in our dark time, the light of Christ shines forth from us and shows the way to Heaven for all to see.

Concluding Prayer for each day

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be

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