St. Peregrine Novena

St. Peregrine is the patron saint of cancer patients. Pray the St. Peregrine novena for healing.

Facts about St. Peregrine Novena 
Feast day: May 1st
Novena Starts: April 22nd
Patron saint of cancer patients, AIDS, the sick, incurable illnesses
Birth: 1260
Death: May 1st, 1345
St. Peregrine Image
St. Peregrine Laziosi

St. Peregrine Novena

Intro Prayer (to be said each day)

O good St. Peregrine, patron of those suffering from foot ailments, cancer, and incurable diseases, grant, we beseech you, relief from suffering to (name the names of the persons who are ill).
In your compassion, we beg you to intercede with Our Lord Jesus Christ that mankind may soon find a cure for the dread disease of physical cancer as well as for the moral cancer which grips so much of our world today. Amen.

Daily Novena Prayers

Day 1: O great St. Peregrine, who were yourself converted from a violent and sinful life, grant that those who have strayed from the way of Christ may, like you, be given the grace to repent and amend their ways. Amen. St. Peregrine, pray for us.
Day 2: Good St. Peregrine, who bore the agonies of cancer patiently for so many years, grant us the courage and faith to stand up under our own sickness or weakness. Amen. St. Peregrine, pray for our fortitude.
Day 3: St. Peregrine, as His priest, you dwelt for many years in peace in the House of the Lord. Intercede for us with Him, then, that this troubled world, torn by hatred and violence, may at last know the blessedness of peace with justice. Amen. St. Peregrine, help us bring lasting peace to the world.
Day 4: St. Peregrine, you became a model priest and eloquent preacher. Grant us more vocations in these troubled times. Amen. St. Peregrine, inspire more young men and women to follow in the footsteps of Christ just as you did.
St. Peregrine Image
St. Peregrine, patron saint of cancer sufferers
Day 5: O St. Peregrine, just as you were cured from cancer of the body, intercede for us that the cancer of disregard for life may be removed from the world today. Amen. St. Peregrine, pray that the people of the world may heed the teachings of Christ.
Day 6: St. Peregrine, as a youth you led a life of sin. May our Divine Lord grant that your own conversion may inspire our wayward young people today to change their lives as you did and return to Christ. Amen. St. Peregrine, pray for our young people.
Day 7: St. Peregrine, God granted you the grace of a long and fruitful life. Ask Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to lighten the burden of so many of our aged today who are spending their twilight years in pain, sorrow, and loneliness. Amen. St. Peregrine, bring comfort to our aged in their last days.
Day 8: O St. Peregrine, we ask you to heed the anguished cries of those dying from starvation throughout the world today, especially children and old people. Amen. St. Peregrine, pray that relief may come to those who are suffering from hunger and thirst in body and soul.
Day 9: Finally, O good St. Peregrine, we ask that you intercede for those whom God sees fit to call home. May they die in happiness and peace, confident that they will be with You forever in the presence of Jesus and Mary. Amen. St. Peregrine, pray that we may have strength and comfort in the hour of our death.

Concluding Prayer for each day

Glorious wonder-worker, St. Peregrine, you answered the divine call with a ready spirit, and forsook all the comforts of a life of ease and all the empty honors of the world to dedicate yourself to God in the Order of His holy Mother. You labored manfully for the salvation of souls. In union with Jesus crucified, you endured painful sufferings with such patience as to deserve to be healed miraculously of an incurable cancer in your leg by a touch of His divine Hand. Obtain for me the grace to answer every call of God and to fulfill His will in all the events of life.
Enkindle in my heart a consuming zeal for the salvation of all men. Deliver me from the infirmities that afflict my body, especially (name any ailments you may have).
Obtain for me also a perfect resignation to the sufferings it may please God to send me, so that, imitating our crucified Saviour and His sorrowful Mother, I may merit eternal glory in heaven. Amen.

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